Technological Platform «Bioindustry and Bioresources» is a key expert organization in biotechnology sector in Russia. It aims to mobilize the research, technological development and innovation efforts in Russia and to bring together key stakeholders around a common vision for the development of the technologies and issues around bioindustry and bioresourses.
Started in October 2012 for now TP BioTech2030 includes about 100 scientific-research, educational and industrial organizations, combined in specialized working groups and councils. Legal form of the platform is Non-Commercial Partnership. The Board of the Platform is steering and supreme expert body which implements strategic management of the Platform. The Chairman of the Board is V.O. Popov, Director of Research Center of Biotechnology RAS. Executive secretariat of the Platform implements current management. Executive Director of the Technology Platform is A.G. Osmakova.
The main purpose of TP BioTech2030 is creation modern bioindustry which will provide contribution to GDP comparable to the world’s leading economies (up 3%).
Basic technological spheres are:
• Industrial biotechnology
• Agricultural biotechnology
• Forest biotechnology
• Food biotechnology
• Aquaculture biotechnology
• Waste recycling/ Ecobiotechnology
If you are interested in collaboration please feel free to contact us. We will be glad to answer any of your questions.
Abramycheva Irina Sergeevna (Executive Director of the Technology Platform)
Phone: +7(495) 660-86-10